Local nonprofit community organizations are encouraged to apply for Operation Round Up® grants, made available by participating members of North Star Electric Cooperative. Members voluntarily contribute to the program by allowing the Cooperative to round up their bills to the nearest dollar. For example, a bill of $96.78 would be rounded up to $97.00, with the remaining 22 cents placed in a Community Trust fund.
It’s only small change – 1 cent to 99 cents per month – but when you multiply that by the thousands of cooperative members who participate in Operation Round Up, it makes a big difference for our communities. The average yearly contribution per member is six dollars ($6). The maximum yearly contribution is $11.88. Contributions are tax deductible, and the amount donated is shown on monthly bills.
Seven volunteer Community Trust board members, appointed by the North Star Electric Cooperative board of directors, administer the Operation Round Up program. Community Trust board members will serve up to two four-year terms.
Eligible funding categories include community service, economic development, education, youth, environmental or disaster relief. Donations will not be made to individuals. The Community Trust board will meet twice a year to review applications and distribute funds. Application deadlines are May 31 and November 30.
To apply for an Operation Round Up grant, groups and organizations that serve communities in the North Star service area may request the form and instructions by calling the Cooperative office (634-2202 or 888-634-2202) or by printing a copy from this website.