Would you like to serve as a director on the North Star Electric Cooperative Board for your district? North Star Electric is governed by a seven-member board of directors elected by our membership. There are seven districts located within our service area, and any co-op member is welcome to run for an open board position within the district that the member’s primary residence is located. Directors elected will serve a four-year term. This year we will have a director election in District 7.
Any member meeting the qualifications as specified in the bylaws of the cooperative may become a candidate for election to the board by submitting a written petition for nomination with the signatures of no fewer than 20 members who are residents of the district for which the election is being held. The election will take place at the annual meeting on Oct. 6, 2023. Please call 218-634-2202 or stop by our office if you have questions about this process or to pick up a petition for nomination. PETITIONS ARE DUE BY 4 P.M. ON FRIDAY, AUG. 4, 2023.